zonemetal > paroles > Finntroll > Ur Jordens Djup
Ur Jordens Djup | paroles / lyrics
acheter cet album
01- Gryning
02- S?ng
03- Korpens Saga
04- Nedg?ng
05- Ur Djupet
06- Slagbr?der
07- En M?ktig H?r
08- Ormh?xan
09- Maktens Spira
10- Under Tv? Runor
11- Kv?llning
02- S?ng
03- Korpens Saga
04- Nedg?ng
05- Ur Djupet
06- Slagbr?der
07- En M?ktig H?r
08- Ormh?xan
09- Maktens Spira
10- Under Tv? Runor
11- Kv?llning
[ Instrumental ]
Fran en tid da allt var gryning.
Den tid som m?nniskobarn gl?mt.
Som en gyttja fran urtids famn.
En tid ingen kan, en tid utan namn.
I grottans djup ni legat da.
N?r trollfolk i vildmarken steg.
Da var ni i talen fa.
Da mitt folk gick ytans v?g.
En svart hemlighet i forntids skygga.
Dold i gl?mska nu stenen l?ro mej.
Om trollkungens krig mot en giftig sugga.
Ty stenen viska den ljuga ej.
Ur sanningens k?lla jag tar min d?dssup.
Den fylla mina lungor, den fylla min trut.
Ur sanningens k?lla, dunkel och djup.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
From a time when everything was dawning
The time the human children have forgotten
Like mud from the embrace of time in memoriam
A time no one knows, a time without a name
In the deep caves you were lying
When trollkind roamed the wilderness
You were few in numbers
When my people went to the surface
A black secret in the shadows of ancient times
Forgotten knowledge the rocks now teach me
About the Trollking's war against a poisonous pig
The stone whispers, but it tells no lie
From the well of truth I now take my drink of death
It fills my lungs, it fills my snout
From the well of truth
Darkness and depth
Korpens Saga
Jag sag min h?r av troll och v?tte.
Slappa spjut sa langt ?gat m?tte.
Tusende kroppar alla d?da och svala.
Min arme ur skogen nu lag i dvala.
Da sj?ng honan m?rk en sang av hat.
Hon lovade bort gravor sj?lar till mat.
At en dyster ande ur springornas rike.
En runa ristades aldrig skadats en like.
Som en blixt i natten av eldens f?rg.
En kraft som kv?ljde i k?tt och m?rg.
En tunga av illdad och sottig sv?rta.
Nu h?rdes et skrik av tusens sm?rta.
Skogens topp och klippans kant som v?rn.
Svart som askmoln och skogens tj?rn.
Fj?drar nu spreta d?r skinnet voro.
Till tiders slut de nu ropa sin oro.
Sa miste rivarn sin bror av kamp.
De fl?g sin v?g till v?rldens kant.
Av ett gl?mt och fasligt trolldoms dad.
Det f?rkolnade sinnet k?nde ingen nad.
Nu faller skyars svarta m?stare.
Slagsf?ltets kall och likets kyla.
?n fulla av slagens rus och svekets hat.
De gnaga utan ?ra pa krigets ruttna mat.
... till Tiders ?nde.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The Tale Of The Raven
I saw my horde of trolls and wraiths
Bent spears as far as the eye can see
A thousand bodies all dead and cold
My forest army now lies in hibernation
Then she sang a dark tune of hate
She promised gifts, souls for food
To a somber spirit from the kingdom of twilight
A rune etched, one never before seen
Like a lightning bolt in the night with firey color
A force that swells in flesh and marrow
A tongue of ill omen and black stains
Now heard are screams of thousands in pain
Treetops and mountain peaks for leverage
Black as thunderheads and forest bogs
Feathers sprouting where skin once was
Til the end of time they proclaim their worries
So did the shredder lost his brother in war
They flew to the edge of the world
By a forgotten and sinister magic
The charred spirit felt no remorse
Now falls the master of black skies
The call of the battle and the chill of the corpse
Still filled with the heat of battle and burning hate
They feed without honor on the rotting remains of war
...until the end of Time
Urberget gav en gava stor.
I jorden och vattnet.
I m?rkrets k?lla jag sanning fann.
Min f?dosaga da blev sann.
Trettio dagar och trettio n?tter.
Jag kl?ttrade mot jordens famn.
Den hornkr?nte vandrade pa dyster sten.
En som sanningen smakat och blivit ren.
Jag sag solens och manens steg.
Jag sag sanningen en dyster v?g.
En runa spadde krig och fasa.
En runa talde till mej om blod och raseri.
Jag sag solens och manens steg.
Jag sag sanningen en dyster v?g.
En runa spadde krig och fasa.
En runa talde till mej om blod och raseri.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
A great gift of the ancient mountain
In the earth and the water
In the well of darkness I found truth
My story of birth came true
Thirty days and thirty nights
I climbed towards the depths of the earth
The horn-clad one walked solemnly
One that has tasted the truth and become cleansed
I saw the path of the sun and the moon
I saw the path of truth, so lonely
A rune foretold war and horrors
A rune told me of blood and rage
Ur Djupet
F?rbannad och gl?md.
Evigheten, ensamheten.
Jag tog mina steg.
Sista men f?rsta.
Tusen och trettio steg.
Mot j?rdkarnans Brinnande valv.
Den skalv, den skalv.
Da visade sig, modern i djupet.
Sa dold, sa hemig.
Om henne jag talt inget mer.
Ty om moderns visdom sjunga.
Inte en levande sj?l.
Ur vad jag trott.
Min undergang bliva, jag steg och k?nde kyla.
Ett ljus sa l?ngtat.
Ett ljus sa ljuvt.
Jag sprang ner en ?lg.
Under manens sk?ra.
Drack dess livssaft sa het.
Som djupjordens gl?d.
Den br?nde mitt svalg.
Ilskan kl?ste och mitt hj?rta brann.
H?mndens tid kommit.
Ty blod f?r blod.
Var h?mndens hamn.
Da ristade jag mitt skinn.
Med urgudens namn.
Med urgudens namn.
Jag sprang ner en ?lg.
Under manens sk?ra.
Drack dess livssaft sa het.
Som djupjordens gl?d.
Den br?nde mitt svalg.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
From The Deep
Damned and forgotten
Eternity, loneliness
I walked the steps
Last and first
A thousand and thirty steps
towards the burning chambers of the deep
The tremors, the tremors
Then appeared the mother of the deep
So hidden, so secret
About her I say no more
Of the mothers wisdom sings
No living soul
From what I thought
Would be my demise, I arose and felt the cold
A light so yearned
A light so soothing
I took down a moose
Under the crescent of the moon
And drank its lifeblood so warm
Like the embers of the deep
It burned in my throat
Rage slashing and heart burning
The time of vengeance has come
Blood for blood
was the shape of vengeance
I etched into my skin
The name of the ancient God
The name of the ancient God
I took down a moose
Under the crescent of the moon
And drank its lifeblood so warm
Like the embers of the deep
It burned in my throat
Som ett djupt vral fran ett avgrund av hat.
De gl?mdas sj?lar steg, en f?r en, man f?r man, d?da utan fred.
Tog till vapen, tog till sk?ld, ett hav av illvillig d?dl?s man.
Hatets och sotens arme.
De fann min v?g de springa min skog.
Under manens r?da gl?d.
Jag slog dem ner vag f?r vag, inga sj?lar i ro.
Ett spjut ej r?ckte till denna kamp.
Korpbr?der h?rt nu klingors spel.
Snart himmelen t?cktes av br?dar mina.
En kamp det blev, en sista gang.
Br?drarna stod d?r sida vid sida.
Himmelen danade, en v?ldig sang.
Korpn?bb och klinga da tog sin f?da.
De stred till seger f?r en slutlig ?ra.
Ty denne seger ?n korpen b?ra.
En kamp det blev, en sista gang.
Br?drarna stod d?r sida vid sida.
En kamp det blev, en sista gang.
Br?drarna stod d?r sida vid sida.
Himmelen danade, en v?ldig sang.
Korpn?bb och klinga da tog sin f?da.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Brothers Of War
Like a deep call from an abyss of hate
The forgotten souls arose
One by one, man by man, dead ones without peace
Armed with weapons, armed with shields
A sea of sinister undead men
The army of hate and ashes
They found my path, they ran through my forest
Under the red gloom of the moon
I felled them wave by wave, no souls in peace
One spear could not win this fight
Brother Raven heard the song of swords
Soon the sky was darkened by my brothers
A fight it was, one last time
Brothers stood side by side
Thunder in the skies, a mighty song
Raven's beak and sword quenched their thirst
They fought til victory for the final honor
This victory is worn by the raven still
En M?ktig H?r
Da jag rest mitt tryne mot den eviga skyn.
Jag h?rde ett l?te jag aldrig gl?mma.
En h?r sa m?ktig vid skogens bryn.
Fa denna syn ens kunnat dr?mma.
Jag tog mitt spjut jag lyfte mitt horn.
Fran hornets l?ppar en m?ktig ton.
H?ren lystrade marscherade fram.
De gav sig mitt liv, bergets stamm.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu tagas de fram pa knotiga ben,
Fram, fram, fram.
Blodet nu rinna i floder.
?ver mark och flod.
Ett svek nu skymtats av vise.
Fa ?ron lyssna da.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu skymtas fj?rran l?nder.
Fram, fram, fram.
I ar de vandrat, krigets v?g.
Blod ur v?st och guld fran ?st.
Da en tj?rn som var manens lek.
Blev segerns slut och ett digert svek.
Hon vadat d?r i b?rjans gyttja.
Slitit sitt har med ormars gift.
Sugit sj?lar och mannamod.
Det varit hennes avgrund i tusen ar.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu tagas de fram pa knotiga ben.
Fram, fram, fram.
Fram, fram, fram.
Blodet nu rinna i fl?der.
?ver mark och flod.
Ett svek nu skymtats av vise.
Fa ?ron lyssna da.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu skymtas fj?rran l?nder.
Fram, fram, fram.
Hon vadat d?r i b?rjans gyttja.
Slitit sitt har med ormars gift.
Sugit sj?lar och mannamod.
Det varit hennes avgrund i tusen ar.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu tagas de fram pa knotiga ben.
Fram, fram, fram.
Fram, fram, fram.
Nu skymtas fj?rran l?nder.
Fram, fram, fram.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
A Mighty Horde
When I raised my snout towards the eternal sky
I heard a sound I can never forget
A mighty horde at the edge of the forest
Few could even dream this sight
I took my spear, I lifted my horn
From the lips of the horn came a mighty call
The horde listnened, marching forward
They gave me their lives, the tribe of the mountain
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now they are dragged forth on gnarled legs
Forward! Forward! Forward!
Blod runs like a river
Over the land and the streams
A betrayal now sensed by the wise ones
Few ears listened then
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now distant lands are closer
Forward! Forward! Forward!
For years they have wandered
The path of war
Blood from the west and gold from the east
Then a bog where the moon played
Became the end of victory and a bitter betrayal
She waded in the mud of ancient times
Torn her hair with snake venom
Drained souls and the courage of armies
It has been her abyss for a thousand years
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now they are dragged forth on gnarled legs
Forward! Forward! Forward!
Blod runs like a river
Over the land and the streams
A betrayal now sensed by the wise ones
Few ears listened then
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now distant lands are closer
Forward! Forward! Forward!
I en svart tj?rn vid furors rot.
Hon stod tj?rad och t?ckt av sot.
En giftig sugga, en ettrig mara.
Den vackraste skugga ur jordens djup.
Ormarna knyckte och ormarna grep.
Slingrande ur hennes sk?te.
Som hornkronor, som spindelns ben.
Som nattens slingor ur jordens djup, hon skrek.
Hon ristade mitt k?tt, hon drack mitt blod.
En stekande klinga i hj?rtats k?tt.
Jag blivit offrad till henne, denne.
Giftige mask som g?r allt d?tt.
Ett svek ov?ntat nu f?llde mig.
Jag f?ll sargad och livl?s.
Allt var d?tt utom en gnista blott.
I sj?len dit uranden livet satt.
Ormarna knyckte och ormarna grep.
Slingrande ur hennes sk?te.
Som hornkronor, som spindelns ben.
Som nattens slingor ur jordens djup, hon skrek.
Mitt blod ner i tj?rnen rann, den svartare ?n svart da blev...
Mitt blod ner i tj?rnen rann, den svartare ?n svart da blev...
I en svart tj?rn vid furors rot.
Hon stod tj?rad och t?ckt av sot.
En giftig sugga, en ettrig mara.
Den vackraste skugga ur jordens djup.
Ormarna knyckte och ormarna grep.
Slingrande ur hennes sk?te.
Som hornkronor, som spindelns ben.
Som nattens slingor ur jordens djup, hon skrek.
Mitt blod ner i tj?rnen rann, den svartare ?n svart da blev...
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The Serpent Witch
In a black bog by spruce roots
She stood covered in tar and soot
A poisonous sow, an unrelenting nightmare
The most beatiful shadow from the depths of the earth
The snakes strike and the snakes grip
Slithering from her head
Like a crown of horns, like spider's legs
Like the night arisen from the depths of the earth she screamed
She etched my flesh, she drank my blood
A searing blade in the heart's flesh
I was sacrificed to her, this one
Poisonous worm that kills all
A sudden betrayal brought me down
I fell gnarled and lifeless
Everything dead except a small spark
In the soul where the ancient spirit planted life
My blood flowed into the bogs
it turned blacker than black
Maktens Spira
Jag sprang med brisen.
Mot norr den eviga isen.
Jag fann en dalgang.
En massiv spricka.
Masarna visade v?gen ur skyn.
Da m?tte jag isen.
Da fann jag hav.
En storm steg ur vagors djup.
En hemlighet om maktens spira.
Urgudar nu ristat genom mej.
Sparet in i isen gick.
Djupt mot dess frusna k?rna.
(D?r den stod evigt stel.
Gick en fara in med flodens str?m.
Ner mot det bla jag vandra.
Isen i mina adror f?r dagar tio.)
D?r fanns en grotta, en faslig sal.
I grottans mitt han stod.
Som djupet kallat ur stj?rnors ljus.
Krigarren m?ktig fran rymders sus.
Ur hans frusna hand jag tuggat.
Ett spjut fran en ?ndl?s plats.
Ett skrik ett dan fran spjutets blad.
Maktens spira med stj?rnors rad.
Tusende steg mot jordens yttre.
Fran djupet jag ?n en gang steg.
Nu grinet ej sl?ckas fran detta tryne.
Ett slag nu badas, snart slutf?rs allt.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The Scepter Of Might
I ran with the wind
Northward, the perpetual ice
I found a valley
A massive gash
Seagulls guided me from the sky
Then I met the ice
Then I found the sea
A storm arose from the deep waves
A secret of the scepter of might
Ancient Gods now etched through me
The trail went into the ice
Deeply towards it's frozen core
There it stood, forever unmoving
Followed a crack and the flowing water
Down towards the blue I wandered
The ice in my veins, for ten days
There was a cave, a ghostly chamber
In the middle of the cave he stood
Which the deep has conjured from the light of stars
The mighty warrior of the void
From his frozen hand I ate
A spear from an endless place
A cry, a rumble from the blade of the spear
The spire of might with a row of stars
Thousands of steps towards the the surface
From the depths I once again arose
Now the grin of my snout will not be extinguished
A battle now beckons, soon all will be finished.
Under Tv? Runor
Jag tog mina steg i gyttjans mark.
Tusende korpar i m?rker sky.
Ett tr?sk med d?dens skugga.
D?r lag min h?mndens stund.
Inget gift mej dr?pa.
Inga svekfulla dad.
Spjutet med stj?rnors prakt.
Trollet med rymders makt.
Jag sag nu en grop en str?m.
Tog min vrede och l?t mossan sv?lja.
Under fanns en passage en klyfta.
Jag l?t den dra mig in.
Mot djupets sk?te for jag ?n en gang.
In i djupet av urtids minne.
Mot gudens djup mot h?mndens stund.
D?r grep nu klor av skuggors mara.
Hon drack mitt blod.
Hon stag min makt.
I eld sa bla.
Jag vred mej loss.
En urgud som nu skickat mej.
Hon kl?ste mitt jag min innersta eld.
Da tog jag mitt stj?rnors spjut.
Med all min kraft jag skar.
Ty sa som det var jag sag.
Urguden och ormars h?xa.
Genom samma blodiga mun de talt.
En ristad under tva runor.
En h?mnd jag ej nu fatt.
Men orden ej f?rgatt.
Jag blev kung med runors makt.
Genom h?mndens och hatets pakt.
Urgudens gava.
Runors makt.
Mot manen i av steg.
Trolldom f?dd igen.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Under Two Runes
I took my steps in the land of mud
Thousands of ravens in the dark sky
A swamp in the shadow of Death
There lay my moment of vengeance
No poison kills me
No devious advice
The spear with pride of stars
The troll with the power of the void
I saw a hole, a stream
Took my wrath and swallowed the moss
Below was a passage, an opening
I let it draw me in
Towards the deep embrace I traveled once more
Into the depths of ancient memory
Towards the depth of the God, towards the time of vengeance
There gripping were the claws of shadows' nightmare
She drank my blood
She stole my power
In fire so blue
I wriggled free
An ancient God who now sent me
She tore from me my inner fire
Then I took my spear of stars
With all my might I slashed
I saw the truth for what it was
The ancient God and the witch of serpents
Through the same bloodied mouth they spoke
As one, etched under two runes
No vengeance came to me
But the words were not forgotten
I was made king with the power of runes
Through the pact of vengeance and hatred
The gift of the ancient God
The power of runes
Towards the moon I ascended
Magic born again
[ Instrumental ]
[ Instrumental ]
Fran en tid da allt var gryning.
Den tid som m?nniskobarn gl?mt.
Som en gyttja fran urtids famn.
En tid ingen kan, en tid utan namn.
I grottans djup ni legat da.
N?r trollfolk i vildmarken steg.
Da var ni i talen fa.
Da mitt folk gick ytans v?g.
En svart hemlighet i forntids skygga.
Dold i gl?mska nu stenen l?ro mej.
Om trollkungens krig mot en giftig sugga.
Ty stenen viska den ljuga ej.
Ur sanningens k?lla jag tar min d?dssup.
Den fylla mina lungor, den fylla min trut.
Ur sanningens k?lla, dunkel och djup.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
From a time when everything was dawning
The time the human children have forgotten
Like mud from the embrace of time in memoriam
A time no one knows, a time without a name
In the deep caves you were lying
When trollkind roamed the wilderness
You were few in numbers
When my people went to the surface
A black secret in the shadows of ancient times
Forgotten knowledge the rocks now teach me
About the Trollking's war against a poisonous pig
The stone whispers, but it tells no lie
From the well of truth I now take my drink of death
It fills my lungs, it fills my snout
From the well of truth
Darkness and depth
Korpens Saga
Jag sag min h?r av troll och v?tte.
Slappa spjut sa langt ?gat m?tte.
Tusende kroppar alla d?da och svala.
Min arme ur skogen nu lag i dvala.
Da sj?ng honan m?rk en sang av hat.
Hon lovade bort gravor sj?lar till mat.
At en dyster ande ur springornas rike.
En runa ristades aldrig skadats en like.
Som en blixt i natten av eldens f?rg.
En kraft som kv?ljde i k?tt och m?rg.
En tunga av illdad och sottig sv?rta.
Nu h?rdes et skrik av tusens sm?rta.
Skogens topp och klippans kant som v?rn.
Svart som askmoln och skogens tj?rn.
Fj?drar nu spreta d?r skinnet voro.
Till tiders slut de nu ropa sin oro.
Sa miste rivarn sin bror av kamp.
De fl?g sin v?g till v?rldens kant.
Av ett gl?mt och fasligt trolldoms dad.
Det f?rkolnade sinnet k?nde ingen nad.
Nu faller skyars svarta m?stare.
Slagsf?ltets kall och likets kyla.
?n fulla av slagens rus och svekets hat.
De gnaga utan ?ra pa krigets ruttna mat.
... till Tiders ?nde.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The Tale Of The Raven
I saw my horde of trolls and wraiths
Bent spears as far as the eye can see
A thousand bodies all dead and cold
My forest army now lies in hibernation
Then she sang a dark tune of hate
She promised gifts, souls for food
To a somber spirit from the kingdom of twilight
A rune etched, one never before seen
Like a lightning bolt in the night with firey color
A force that swells in flesh and marrow
A tongue of ill omen and black stains
Now heard are screams of thousands in pain
Treetops and mountain peaks for leverage
Black as thunderheads and forest bogs
Feathers sprouting where skin once was
Til the end of time they proclaim their worries
So did the shredder lost his brother in war
They flew to the edge of the world
By a forgotten and sinister magic
The charred spirit felt no remorse
Now falls the master of black skies
The call of the battle and the chill of the corpse
Still filled with the heat of battle and burning hate
They feed without honor on the rotting remains of war
...until the end of Time
Urberget gav en gava stor.
I jorden och vattnet.
I m?rkrets k?lla jag sanning fann.
Min f?dosaga da blev sann.
Trettio dagar och trettio n?tter.
Jag kl?ttrade mot jordens famn.
Den hornkr?nte vandrade pa dyster sten.
En som sanningen smakat och blivit ren.
Jag sag solens och manens steg.
Jag sag sanningen en dyster v?g.
En runa spadde krig och fasa.
En runa talde till mej om blod och raseri.
Jag sag solens och manens steg.
Jag sag sanningen en dyster v?g.
En runa spadde krig och fasa.
En runa talde till mej om blod och raseri.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
A great gift of the ancient mountain
In the earth and the water
In the well of darkness I found truth
My story of birth came true
Thirty days and thirty nights
I climbed towards the depths of the earth
The horn-clad one walked solemnly
One that has tasted the truth and become cleansed
I saw the path of the sun and the moon
I saw the path of truth, so lonely
A rune foretold war and horrors
A rune told me of blood and rage
Ur Djupet
F?rbannad och gl?md.
Evigheten, ensamheten.
Jag tog mina steg.
Sista men f?rsta.
Tusen och trettio steg.
Mot j?rdkarnans Brinnande valv.
Den skalv, den skalv.
Da visade sig, modern i djupet.
Sa dold, sa hemig.
Om henne jag talt inget mer.
Ty om moderns visdom sjunga.
Inte en levande sj?l.
Ur vad jag trott.
Min undergang bliva, jag steg och k?nde kyla.
Ett ljus sa l?ngtat.
Ett ljus sa ljuvt.
Jag sprang ner en ?lg.
Under manens sk?ra.
Drack dess livssaft sa het.
Som djupjordens gl?d.
Den br?nde mitt svalg.
Ilskan kl?ste och mitt hj?rta brann.
H?mndens tid kommit.
Ty blod f?r blod.
Var h?mndens hamn.
Da ristade jag mitt skinn.
Med urgudens namn.
Med urgudens namn.
Jag sprang ner en ?lg.
Under manens sk?ra.
Drack dess livssaft sa het.
Som djupjordens gl?d.
Den br?nde mitt svalg.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
From The Deep
Damned and forgotten
Eternity, loneliness
I walked the steps
Last and first
A thousand and thirty steps
towards the burning chambers of the deep
The tremors, the tremors
Then appeared the mother of the deep
So hidden, so secret
About her I say no more
Of the mothers wisdom sings
No living soul
From what I thought
Would be my demise, I arose and felt the cold
A light so yearned
A light so soothing
I took down a moose
Under the crescent of the moon
And drank its lifeblood so warm
Like the embers of the deep
It burned in my throat
Rage slashing and heart burning
The time of vengeance has come
Blood for blood
was the shape of vengeance
I etched into my skin
The name of the ancient God
The name of the ancient God
I took down a moose
Under the crescent of the moon
And drank its lifeblood so warm
Like the embers of the deep
It burned in my throat
Som ett djupt vral fran ett avgrund av hat.
De gl?mdas sj?lar steg, en f?r en, man f?r man, d?da utan fred.
Tog till vapen, tog till sk?ld, ett hav av illvillig d?dl?s man.
Hatets och sotens arme.
De fann min v?g de springa min skog.
Under manens r?da gl?d.
Jag slog dem ner vag f?r vag, inga sj?lar i ro.
Ett spjut ej r?ckte till denna kamp.
Korpbr?der h?rt nu klingors spel.
Snart himmelen t?cktes av br?dar mina.
En kamp det blev, en sista gang.
Br?drarna stod d?r sida vid sida.
Himmelen danade, en v?ldig sang.
Korpn?bb och klinga da tog sin f?da.
De stred till seger f?r en slutlig ?ra.
Ty denne seger ?n korpen b?ra.
En kamp det blev, en sista gang.
Br?drarna stod d?r sida vid sida.
En kamp det blev, en sista gang.
Br?drarna stod d?r sida vid sida.
Himmelen danade, en v?ldig sang.
Korpn?bb och klinga da tog sin f?da.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Brothers Of War
Like a deep call from an abyss of hate
The forgotten souls arose
One by one, man by man, dead ones without peace
Armed with weapons, armed with shields
A sea of sinister undead men
The army of hate and ashes
They found my path, they ran through my forest
Under the red gloom of the moon
I felled them wave by wave, no souls in peace
One spear could not win this fight
Brother Raven heard the song of swords
Soon the sky was darkened by my brothers
A fight it was, one last time
Brothers stood side by side
Thunder in the skies, a mighty song
Raven's beak and sword quenched their thirst
They fought til victory for the final honor
This victory is worn by the raven still
En M?ktig H?r
Da jag rest mitt tryne mot den eviga skyn.
Jag h?rde ett l?te jag aldrig gl?mma.
En h?r sa m?ktig vid skogens bryn.
Fa denna syn ens kunnat dr?mma.
Jag tog mitt spjut jag lyfte mitt horn.
Fran hornets l?ppar en m?ktig ton.
H?ren lystrade marscherade fram.
De gav sig mitt liv, bergets stamm.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu tagas de fram pa knotiga ben,
Fram, fram, fram.
Blodet nu rinna i floder.
?ver mark och flod.
Ett svek nu skymtats av vise.
Fa ?ron lyssna da.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu skymtas fj?rran l?nder.
Fram, fram, fram.
I ar de vandrat, krigets v?g.
Blod ur v?st och guld fran ?st.
Da en tj?rn som var manens lek.
Blev segerns slut och ett digert svek.
Hon vadat d?r i b?rjans gyttja.
Slitit sitt har med ormars gift.
Sugit sj?lar och mannamod.
Det varit hennes avgrund i tusen ar.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu tagas de fram pa knotiga ben.
Fram, fram, fram.
Fram, fram, fram.
Blodet nu rinna i fl?der.
?ver mark och flod.
Ett svek nu skymtats av vise.
Fa ?ron lyssna da.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu skymtas fj?rran l?nder.
Fram, fram, fram.
Hon vadat d?r i b?rjans gyttja.
Slitit sitt har med ormars gift.
Sugit sj?lar och mannamod.
Det varit hennes avgrund i tusen ar.
En gava av urbergets ande.
En pakt som alla gl?mt.
Nu tagas de fram pa knotiga ben.
Fram, fram, fram.
Fram, fram, fram.
Nu skymtas fj?rran l?nder.
Fram, fram, fram.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
A Mighty Horde
When I raised my snout towards the eternal sky
I heard a sound I can never forget
A mighty horde at the edge of the forest
Few could even dream this sight
I took my spear, I lifted my horn
From the lips of the horn came a mighty call
The horde listnened, marching forward
They gave me their lives, the tribe of the mountain
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now they are dragged forth on gnarled legs
Forward! Forward! Forward!
Blod runs like a river
Over the land and the streams
A betrayal now sensed by the wise ones
Few ears listened then
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now distant lands are closer
Forward! Forward! Forward!
For years they have wandered
The path of war
Blood from the west and gold from the east
Then a bog where the moon played
Became the end of victory and a bitter betrayal
She waded in the mud of ancient times
Torn her hair with snake venom
Drained souls and the courage of armies
It has been her abyss for a thousand years
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now they are dragged forth on gnarled legs
Forward! Forward! Forward!
Blod runs like a river
Over the land and the streams
A betrayal now sensed by the wise ones
Few ears listened then
A gift from the spirit of the ancient mountain
A forgotten pact
Now distant lands are closer
Forward! Forward! Forward!
I en svart tj?rn vid furors rot.
Hon stod tj?rad och t?ckt av sot.
En giftig sugga, en ettrig mara.
Den vackraste skugga ur jordens djup.
Ormarna knyckte och ormarna grep.
Slingrande ur hennes sk?te.
Som hornkronor, som spindelns ben.
Som nattens slingor ur jordens djup, hon skrek.
Hon ristade mitt k?tt, hon drack mitt blod.
En stekande klinga i hj?rtats k?tt.
Jag blivit offrad till henne, denne.
Giftige mask som g?r allt d?tt.
Ett svek ov?ntat nu f?llde mig.
Jag f?ll sargad och livl?s.
Allt var d?tt utom en gnista blott.
I sj?len dit uranden livet satt.
Ormarna knyckte och ormarna grep.
Slingrande ur hennes sk?te.
Som hornkronor, som spindelns ben.
Som nattens slingor ur jordens djup, hon skrek.
Mitt blod ner i tj?rnen rann, den svartare ?n svart da blev...
Mitt blod ner i tj?rnen rann, den svartare ?n svart da blev...
I en svart tj?rn vid furors rot.
Hon stod tj?rad och t?ckt av sot.
En giftig sugga, en ettrig mara.
Den vackraste skugga ur jordens djup.
Ormarna knyckte och ormarna grep.
Slingrande ur hennes sk?te.
Som hornkronor, som spindelns ben.
Som nattens slingor ur jordens djup, hon skrek.
Mitt blod ner i tj?rnen rann, den svartare ?n svart da blev...
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The Serpent Witch
In a black bog by spruce roots
She stood covered in tar and soot
A poisonous sow, an unrelenting nightmare
The most beatiful shadow from the depths of the earth
The snakes strike and the snakes grip
Slithering from her head
Like a crown of horns, like spider's legs
Like the night arisen from the depths of the earth she screamed
She etched my flesh, she drank my blood
A searing blade in the heart's flesh
I was sacrificed to her, this one
Poisonous worm that kills all
A sudden betrayal brought me down
I fell gnarled and lifeless
Everything dead except a small spark
In the soul where the ancient spirit planted life
My blood flowed into the bogs
it turned blacker than black
Maktens Spira
Jag sprang med brisen.
Mot norr den eviga isen.
Jag fann en dalgang.
En massiv spricka.
Masarna visade v?gen ur skyn.
Da m?tte jag isen.
Da fann jag hav.
En storm steg ur vagors djup.
En hemlighet om maktens spira.
Urgudar nu ristat genom mej.
Sparet in i isen gick.
Djupt mot dess frusna k?rna.
(D?r den stod evigt stel.
Gick en fara in med flodens str?m.
Ner mot det bla jag vandra.
Isen i mina adror f?r dagar tio.)
D?r fanns en grotta, en faslig sal.
I grottans mitt han stod.
Som djupet kallat ur stj?rnors ljus.
Krigarren m?ktig fran rymders sus.
Ur hans frusna hand jag tuggat.
Ett spjut fran en ?ndl?s plats.
Ett skrik ett dan fran spjutets blad.
Maktens spira med stj?rnors rad.
Tusende steg mot jordens yttre.
Fran djupet jag ?n en gang steg.
Nu grinet ej sl?ckas fran detta tryne.
Ett slag nu badas, snart slutf?rs allt.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The Scepter Of Might
I ran with the wind
Northward, the perpetual ice
I found a valley
A massive gash
Seagulls guided me from the sky
Then I met the ice
Then I found the sea
A storm arose from the deep waves
A secret of the scepter of might
Ancient Gods now etched through me
The trail went into the ice
Deeply towards it's frozen core
There it stood, forever unmoving
Followed a crack and the flowing water
Down towards the blue I wandered
The ice in my veins, for ten days
There was a cave, a ghostly chamber
In the middle of the cave he stood
Which the deep has conjured from the light of stars
The mighty warrior of the void
From his frozen hand I ate
A spear from an endless place
A cry, a rumble from the blade of the spear
The spire of might with a row of stars
Thousands of steps towards the the surface
From the depths I once again arose
Now the grin of my snout will not be extinguished
A battle now beckons, soon all will be finished.
Under Tv? Runor
Jag tog mina steg i gyttjans mark.
Tusende korpar i m?rker sky.
Ett tr?sk med d?dens skugga.
D?r lag min h?mndens stund.
Inget gift mej dr?pa.
Inga svekfulla dad.
Spjutet med stj?rnors prakt.
Trollet med rymders makt.
Jag sag nu en grop en str?m.
Tog min vrede och l?t mossan sv?lja.
Under fanns en passage en klyfta.
Jag l?t den dra mig in.
Mot djupets sk?te for jag ?n en gang.
In i djupet av urtids minne.
Mot gudens djup mot h?mndens stund.
D?r grep nu klor av skuggors mara.
Hon drack mitt blod.
Hon stag min makt.
I eld sa bla.
Jag vred mej loss.
En urgud som nu skickat mej.
Hon kl?ste mitt jag min innersta eld.
Da tog jag mitt stj?rnors spjut.
Med all min kraft jag skar.
Ty sa som det var jag sag.
Urguden och ormars h?xa.
Genom samma blodiga mun de talt.
En ristad under tva runor.
En h?mnd jag ej nu fatt.
Men orden ej f?rgatt.
Jag blev kung med runors makt.
Genom h?mndens och hatets pakt.
Urgudens gava.
Runors makt.
Mot manen i av steg.
Trolldom f?dd igen.
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Under Two Runes
I took my steps in the land of mud
Thousands of ravens in the dark sky
A swamp in the shadow of Death
There lay my moment of vengeance
No poison kills me
No devious advice
The spear with pride of stars
The troll with the power of the void
I saw a hole, a stream
Took my wrath and swallowed the moss
Below was a passage, an opening
I let it draw me in
Towards the deep embrace I traveled once more
Into the depths of ancient memory
Towards the depth of the God, towards the time of vengeance
There gripping were the claws of shadows' nightmare
She drank my blood
She stole my power
In fire so blue
I wriggled free
An ancient God who now sent me
She tore from me my inner fire
Then I took my spear of stars
With all my might I slashed
I saw the truth for what it was
The ancient God and the witch of serpents
Through the same bloodied mouth they spoke
As one, etched under two runes
No vengeance came to me
But the words were not forgotten
I was made king with the power of runes
Through the pact of vengeance and hatred
The gift of the ancient God
The power of runes
Towards the moon I ascended
Magic born again
[ Instrumental ]
[ paroles ]
Korn [ paroles ]
The Serenity Of Suffering
Metallica [ paroles ]
Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
Gojira [ paroles ]
Motorhead [ paroles ]
Bad Magic
Behemoth [ paroles ]
The Satanist
Paradise Lost [ paroles ]
The Plague Within
Korn [ paroles ]
The Serenity Of Suffering
Metallica [ paroles ]
Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
Gojira [ paroles ]
Motorhead [ paroles ]
Bad Magic
Behemoth [ paroles ]
The Satanist
Paradise Lost [ paroles ]
The Plague Within