zonemetal > paroles > Enslaved > Mardraum : Beyond The Within
Mardraum : Beyond The Within | paroles / lyrics
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01- St?rre Enn Tid-Tyngre Enn Natt (Larger Than Time-Heavier Than Night)
02- Daudningekvida (Deadhymn)
03- Entrance-Escape (Inngang-Flukt)
04- Ormgard (The Hive)
05- ?ges Draum (Aege's Dream)
06- Mardraum (Nightmare)
07- Det Endelege Riket (The Ending Empire)
08- Ormgard Ii - Kvalt I Kysk H?gsong (The Hive II - Strangled By Purity)
09- Krigaren Eg Ikkje Kjende (Warrior Unknown)
10- Stjerneheimen (Starhome)
11- Fr?yas Smykke (Freya's Necklace)
02- Daudningekvida (Deadhymn)
03- Entrance-Escape (Inngang-Flukt)
04- Ormgard (The Hive)
05- ?ges Draum (Aege's Dream)
06- Mardraum (Nightmare)
07- Det Endelege Riket (The Ending Empire)
08- Ormgard Ii - Kvalt I Kysk H?gsong (The Hive II - Strangled By Purity)
09- Krigaren Eg Ikkje Kjende (Warrior Unknown)
10- Stjerneheimen (Starhome)
11- Fr?yas Smykke (Freya's Necklace)
St?rre Enn Tid-Tyngre Enn Natt (Larger Than Time-Heavier Than Night)
Hanen fall om p? tunet
F?r han rakk gala
-Men eg kjende tida
Hesten hang i slitte taumar
Med utakk piska inn i augo
-Men eg makta ? trekke plogen
Bonden la seg til marka
Gr?delaus og ufri
-Men eg rydda nye hov
Vekstane visna, evige lovnadar brast
Fargane falma, hjarta fraus fast
St?yen stilna, men sigeren var tatt
St?rre enn tid, tyngre enn natt!
Fjella fall, og skogen brann
Tida teia, vatn vart sand
Sola slokna, men deg hadde eg att
St?rre enn tid, tyngre enn natt!
Lyset tok slutt, og stjernene slokna ;
F?r fylgjet n?dde fram til gards
-Men eg hussa vegen
Skipa sank med krigar og skald;
I botnlaus avgrunn lagt til kvile
-Men eg r?ka nye ukjende strender
Gudane vart alle br?tt gamle
D? dei gyldne veggane fall
-Men eg gav dei ny kraft
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The rooster fell dead in the dust
Before the break of dawn
But I knew time
The horse hung from worn out straps
With ungreatfulness
Wipped into his eyes
But I pulled the plow myself
The peasant laid himself down on the fields
Neither plenty nor free - but I cleared new land
Growths withered, eternal oaths shattered
Colours faded, hearts froze cold
The noise silenced, but mine was victory and might
Larger than time - heavier than night
Mountains fell, forestgreen to black
Time turned to silence, water to sand
The sun went cold, gone all but one light
Larger than time - heavier than night
Days ended, and the stars died
Before the wanderers reached home
But I knew the way
Ships sunk with all warriors and heralds
Laid to rest in bottomless pits
But I spotted new and unknown shores
The gods suddenly aged
When the golden walls fell
But I gave them new powers
Daudningekvida (Deadhymn)
Som eit ?pent s?r
Kven kunne halde ut
Hvis eg fylgjer deg, blir eg som dei?
-Rak i rygg med fana
Til dei hengde
Dei vart som trea, livlause
Snakka ikkje, r?rte seg ikkje
Handa kald, auga tomt
(Mimir, lyttar du?)
Det er langt, men tr?ttnas du ?
Tida st?r stilla, alt anna er d?dt
Blod og kvad
Likgudens sol skin i kvar og
Ein sitt ansikt
Urd svarar med ekko, kva vil du gjera?
Kor la du hammaren, Thurisaz kallar ;
R?ska tak i faginningas rot
Dei vart som trea, livlause
F?lte ikke, h?yrde ikkje
Handa kald, auga tomt
Ymir, lyttar du?
Dei vart som trea, livlause
Ymir, kvifor er du tyst?
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Like an open wound
Who could endure
If i follow you, will i be like them
Standing tall, with the flag of the hanged ones
They were like the trees
Lifeless - did not speak
Did not move
Cold hand, empty eye (Mimir, do you hear this?)
It is a long journey, but are you growing tired?
Time stands still, everything else is dead
Blood and hymn
The god of corpses' sun
Shines in one and everyone's face
Urd answers in echoes, what will you do?
Where is your hammer
Thurisaz calls: smashed hold of illusion's roots
They were like trees
Did not feel, did not hear
Cold hand, empty eye
Ymir, do you hear this?
They were life trees
Ymir, why are you silent?
Entrance-Escape (Inngang-Flukt)
I am not in there
I am not taking any part in this
There?s no comfort where you are
And I won?t give you anything
I am close to them mentally
But I am inbetween realities
There is no directions for where I am
They can?t find me ?cause I am not in here
Ormgard (The Hive)
Ein jotne skrik i lengsel
Aesar druknar i banes?r
I sterke armar veks
Gangar full av r?te
Fjella let seg ikkje
Lenger l?fte
Berre trellen eig
Sin eigen fridom
N?r kongar fylgjer
Kristenmanns lov
Kven skal bera fram s?lvet
Kven skal vakta bogen
Kven skal d?me rett
N?r hjarta er av kol
Skinnlaus ormyngel
Kven vil vel kome til
Slik ei verd
Dei storme menn drep
Sitt avkom med sl?ve sverd
La dei angre, la dei lide
Men tr?yst dei ikkje
Gje dei aldri handa,
La dei aldri sj? auget
Tannlaust kj?terpakk
Kven vil vel h?yre p? slike ord
Kvite krist drep si eiga mor
La dei fryse, la dei svelte
Men tr?yst dei ikkje
Om dei f? orkar turnen,
Skal me byggja muren
Om dei f? orkar turen,
Skal me byggja muren
Om dei f? orkar turen
Skal me byggja muren
[ Traduction anglaise ]
A troll screams with longing
Gods drown in fatal wounds
Tunnels of rot grows inside
Strong arms
The mountains will no longer be moved
Only the slave owns his own freedom
When kings follow the laws of christened men
Who will carry forth the silver
Who will guard the bow
Who will judge fairly
With hearts of coal
Worm with no skin
Who would want to
Enter such a world
The great men kill their children with blunt swords
Let them regret
Let them suffer
But give them no comfort
Never give them your hand
Never let them see the eye
Toothless bastards
Who wants to hear such words
The white christ kills his mother
Let them freeze, let them starve
But give them no comfort
If the few endures the journey
Then, we will build the wall
If the few endures the journey
Then we will build the wall
If the few endures the journey
Then we will build the wall
?ges Draum (Aege's Dream)
P? sytti og tusen favnars djup
Sl?r ein puls jamnare
Og h?gare
B?lger breier seg
Som hjarteslag
Gjennom lidlaus
Ein vis mann
Tre h?gder var han
Kom ein gong
Ned hit og sa:
Det som har vaert,
Var aldri
D? s?g dei elva
Brenne, og sola bl?
D? s?g dei elva brenne
Og sola bl?
Ei norne,
Kom ho med
Ned fra r?ttene
Og livets tre
Alt vil d?y og forg?
Stillna skal atter r?
D? h?yrde dei
Songen kvelast
Og barna d?
P? sytti og tusen favnars djup
Sl?r ein puls jamnare og h?gare
Tomme univers i kvart eit ord
Der oppe, kor draumar d?yr
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Seventy and thousand feet below
A pulse is beating more evenly
And higher
Waves expand like heartbeats
Through silent mosaic
A wise man
Three heights he was
Once came down here and said:
"What was, was never"
Then they saw the river
Burn, and the sun bled
Then they saw the river
Burn, and the sun bled
A norn
She came too
Down from the roots
And the tree of life
"everything will die and decay
Silence will once again prevail"
Then they heard the song choking
And the children dying
Seventy and thousand feet below
A pulse is beating more
Evenly and higher
Empty universes in every world
Up there, where dreams die
Mardraum (Nightmare)
Faal i flammar
Fanga under is
Mara rir evig
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Fall in flames
Trapped under ice
Ridden by nightmares forever
Det Endelege Riket (The Ending Empire)
Det endelege bl?
Fremand og l?fterikt
I det urgamle raude
Sviv det som ein gong
Kvitt var svart
I sirklar g?r rika
Fr? anna til eit g?r me
I eigne auger uendelege
Utan auger
Lydlaust ingenting
Fr? stjerna flyttas
Fjella; og t?pa ser
Berre stein
I sirklar g?r rika
Fr? anna til eit g?r me
Klagesongen ingen
Orka h?yre
Fyller det tenkande
Rom; tvihald om
Lenker som ikke finst
-Kvifor ikkje leva
Utan dei?
I sirklar g?r rika
Fr? anna til eit g?r me
Det endelege bl?
Ikring ei n?delaus mor
Som skal
Kjaerteikne oss
Med endedagars
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The ending blue
Obscure and promising
In ancient red it orbits
That which once
white was black
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
Deceived to see eternity
If blinded
Silent nothingness
The mountains are moved
From the stars
And the fool
Sees nothing but stones
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
Moaning no one could
Stand listening to
Fills the inner worlds
Clutching the chains
That does not exist
Why not live
Without them?
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
The ending blue
Around a merciless mother
Who will caress us
With the burning skies
Of the last days
Ormgard Ii - Kvalt I Kysk H?gsong (The Hive II - Strangled By Purity)
Buskapen ?t hyrden
Og svalt smilande i hjel
Beitet fann dei ikkje
Du elsa din neste,
Og ?t di eiga mor
Tapar i eigen strid
Herre i eigne lenker
Du ser mot sola og frys i hjel
Hakka til blods i gyldne bur
Kvalt i kysk h?gsong
Du kyssar handa som drap
Din eigen bror
Vaer du sikker,
Eg snur aldri ryggen mot deg
Vaer du sikker,
Eg skal alltid h?na deg
Tenk n?ye etter
Kva du har skapt
D? du ligg der og d?yr
H?yr, der ute kor
Latteren v?r ljomar
Tenk etter kva
Som ventar deg,
Du eledige d?re!
Me lo d? Ormgard brann
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The herd ate it's shepherd
And starved to death, smiling
They didn't reach the meadows
You loved your neighbour
And ate your own mother
Losing your own war
Slave in your own chains
You look to the sun
And freeze to death
Torn apart in golden cages
Strangled by purity
Kissing the hand that killed your own brother
Be sure of this
I'll never turn my back to you
Be sure of this
I'll always mock you
Consider what you've created
When you're waiting for death
Listen, out there
Where our laugher is resounding
Think of what's waiting for you
You miserable fool!
We laughed as the hive burned
Krigaren Eg Ikkje Kjende (Warrior Unknown)
Eg for ut i strid
D? dei framande kom
Eg sloss for min heim og min buskap
Eg kjempa dei ned
Med mitt spjut og min boge
S? dei heime kunne eta og sova
Eg drakk og eg skr?la
Eg lo og eg skr?yt
Av mine sigrar, mitt mot og min styrke
Eg fortalde om gullet eg fann
Hj? dei eg slakta ned for fote
Eg vakna br?tt
Ein kald og m?rk morgon
Med buskapen daud og trellane r?mde
All mj?den var drukken og venene reist
D? la eg i veg til lovande land
For atter ? vende heim med aere
Alle som sto i vegen for meg
Skulle kjenne min styrke og vreide
Ved ein flod sto ein gammal og st?l mann
Han vokta ein b?t som eg trong
Eg skulle hogge han ned
Men sverdet brast og
Den gamle sto der og flirte
?Fattige t?pe, som aldri har skj?na
At ein krigar skal kjempe mot krigar
Aldri du vinn visst du berre ser fram
Og ikkje inn?
Med eit var den gamle vekk
Og vinden tok med seg b?ten
Ved bredda sto eg og skua
Men n?dde ikkje den andre sida
D? starta kampen mot krigaren
Eg alltid trudde eg kjente
[ Traduction anglaise ]
I went into battle
When the strangers came
I fought for my home and my herd
I struck them down
With my spear and bow
So that those at home could sleep and eat
I drank and yelled
I laughed and bragged
Of my victories, my courage and my strength
I told of the gold I found
At those I had slain before me
Suddenly I awoke
A cold and dark morning
With a dead herd and slaves escaped
All mead and all my friends were gone
That was when I went away to promising land
For once again to return with honour
Everyone that crossed my path
Was to feel my strength and wrath
By a flood stood an old and tired man
He guarded a boat which I needed
I charged to cut him down
But the sword broke
And the old one stood there grinning
"Poor fool, who never had seen
That a warrior shall fight against warrior
You'll never win if you're only looking ahead
And never inwards"
Suddenly the old one was gone
And the wind carried away the boat
By the shore I stood looking
But could not reach the other side
That's when the battle begun
Against the warrior I always thought I knew
Stjerneheimen (Starhome)
Eg helsar stova med h?gsinn
Der ho byr meg inn i flammar og sj?
I heile si prakt og galskap
?Trygg vert berre han som t?r
Heim- til ei stjerneverd av s?lv
Heim- ulv, mann og gard
Kenaz- bak panna brenn lyset me eig
Raidho- p? tankar over sol og regn
Ansuz- i far v?r sitt h?gsete
Eg ler mot det heilage hjulet
-Ho vil gje oss svara og lyset;
Vidare sveipas dei med
Atter nytt m?rke
....Vis vert berre han som sp?r
Heim-med stjerner av s?lv
Heim-ulv , mann og ard
(?Eg er - er eg?)
Krigar- be aldri om fred
Husbond- length alltid heim
Her vil me samlas
...Om runa spinn
[ Traduction anglaise ]
I hail the living room with pride
Greeting me with flames and sea
...only he who dares is safe
Home - to a starworld of silver
Home - wolf, man and house
Kenaz - behind the eyes burn the
Light which we own
Raidho - on thoughts above
The sun and rain
Anzus - at the throne of our father
I laugh towards the holy wheel
She will provide us with answers
And the light
Then again we are swept in
Another darkness
...only he who asks becomes wise
Home - with stars of silver
Home - wolf, man and house
("I am, I am")
Warrior, never ask for peace
Husband, always long for home
Here we will be gathered
...if the run is spinning
Fr?yas Smykke (Freya's Necklace)
Hanen fall om p? tunet
F?r han rakk gala
-Men eg kjende tida
Hesten hang i slitte taumar
Med utakk piska inn i augo
-Men eg makta ? trekke plogen
Bonden la seg til marka
Gr?delaus og ufri
-Men eg rydda nye hov
Vekstane visna, evige lovnadar brast
Fargane falma, hjarta fraus fast
St?yen stilna, men sigeren var tatt
St?rre enn tid, tyngre enn natt!
Fjella fall, og skogen brann
Tida teia, vatn vart sand
Sola slokna, men deg hadde eg att
St?rre enn tid, tyngre enn natt!
Lyset tok slutt, og stjernene slokna ;
F?r fylgjet n?dde fram til gards
-Men eg hussa vegen
Skipa sank med krigar og skald;
I botnlaus avgrunn lagt til kvile
-Men eg r?ka nye ukjende strender
Gudane vart alle br?tt gamle
D? dei gyldne veggane fall
-Men eg gav dei ny kraft
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The rooster fell dead in the dust
Before the break of dawn
But I knew time
The horse hung from worn out straps
With ungreatfulness
Wipped into his eyes
But I pulled the plow myself
The peasant laid himself down on the fields
Neither plenty nor free - but I cleared new land
Growths withered, eternal oaths shattered
Colours faded, hearts froze cold
The noise silenced, but mine was victory and might
Larger than time - heavier than night
Mountains fell, forestgreen to black
Time turned to silence, water to sand
The sun went cold, gone all but one light
Larger than time - heavier than night
Days ended, and the stars died
Before the wanderers reached home
But I knew the way
Ships sunk with all warriors and heralds
Laid to rest in bottomless pits
But I spotted new and unknown shores
The gods suddenly aged
When the golden walls fell
But I gave them new powers
Daudningekvida (Deadhymn)
Som eit ?pent s?r
Kven kunne halde ut
Hvis eg fylgjer deg, blir eg som dei?
-Rak i rygg med fana
Til dei hengde
Dei vart som trea, livlause
Snakka ikkje, r?rte seg ikkje
Handa kald, auga tomt
(Mimir, lyttar du?)
Det er langt, men tr?ttnas du ?
Tida st?r stilla, alt anna er d?dt
Blod og kvad
Likgudens sol skin i kvar og
Ein sitt ansikt
Urd svarar med ekko, kva vil du gjera?
Kor la du hammaren, Thurisaz kallar ;
R?ska tak i faginningas rot
Dei vart som trea, livlause
F?lte ikke, h?yrde ikkje
Handa kald, auga tomt
Ymir, lyttar du?
Dei vart som trea, livlause
Ymir, kvifor er du tyst?
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Like an open wound
Who could endure
If i follow you, will i be like them
Standing tall, with the flag of the hanged ones
They were like the trees
Lifeless - did not speak
Did not move
Cold hand, empty eye (Mimir, do you hear this?)
It is a long journey, but are you growing tired?
Time stands still, everything else is dead
Blood and hymn
The god of corpses' sun
Shines in one and everyone's face
Urd answers in echoes, what will you do?
Where is your hammer
Thurisaz calls: smashed hold of illusion's roots
They were like trees
Did not feel, did not hear
Cold hand, empty eye
Ymir, do you hear this?
They were life trees
Ymir, why are you silent?
Entrance-Escape (Inngang-Flukt)
I am not in there
I am not taking any part in this
There?s no comfort where you are
And I won?t give you anything
I am close to them mentally
But I am inbetween realities
There is no directions for where I am
They can?t find me ?cause I am not in here
Ormgard (The Hive)
Ein jotne skrik i lengsel
Aesar druknar i banes?r
I sterke armar veks
Gangar full av r?te
Fjella let seg ikkje
Lenger l?fte
Berre trellen eig
Sin eigen fridom
N?r kongar fylgjer
Kristenmanns lov
Kven skal bera fram s?lvet
Kven skal vakta bogen
Kven skal d?me rett
N?r hjarta er av kol
Skinnlaus ormyngel
Kven vil vel kome til
Slik ei verd
Dei storme menn drep
Sitt avkom med sl?ve sverd
La dei angre, la dei lide
Men tr?yst dei ikkje
Gje dei aldri handa,
La dei aldri sj? auget
Tannlaust kj?terpakk
Kven vil vel h?yre p? slike ord
Kvite krist drep si eiga mor
La dei fryse, la dei svelte
Men tr?yst dei ikkje
Om dei f? orkar turnen,
Skal me byggja muren
Om dei f? orkar turen,
Skal me byggja muren
Om dei f? orkar turen
Skal me byggja muren
[ Traduction anglaise ]
A troll screams with longing
Gods drown in fatal wounds
Tunnels of rot grows inside
Strong arms
The mountains will no longer be moved
Only the slave owns his own freedom
When kings follow the laws of christened men
Who will carry forth the silver
Who will guard the bow
Who will judge fairly
With hearts of coal
Worm with no skin
Who would want to
Enter such a world
The great men kill their children with blunt swords
Let them regret
Let them suffer
But give them no comfort
Never give them your hand
Never let them see the eye
Toothless bastards
Who wants to hear such words
The white christ kills his mother
Let them freeze, let them starve
But give them no comfort
If the few endures the journey
Then, we will build the wall
If the few endures the journey
Then we will build the wall
If the few endures the journey
Then we will build the wall
?ges Draum (Aege's Dream)
P? sytti og tusen favnars djup
Sl?r ein puls jamnare
Og h?gare
B?lger breier seg
Som hjarteslag
Gjennom lidlaus
Ein vis mann
Tre h?gder var han
Kom ein gong
Ned hit og sa:
Det som har vaert,
Var aldri
D? s?g dei elva
Brenne, og sola bl?
D? s?g dei elva brenne
Og sola bl?
Ei norne,
Kom ho med
Ned fra r?ttene
Og livets tre
Alt vil d?y og forg?
Stillna skal atter r?
D? h?yrde dei
Songen kvelast
Og barna d?
P? sytti og tusen favnars djup
Sl?r ein puls jamnare og h?gare
Tomme univers i kvart eit ord
Der oppe, kor draumar d?yr
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Seventy and thousand feet below
A pulse is beating more evenly
And higher
Waves expand like heartbeats
Through silent mosaic
A wise man
Three heights he was
Once came down here and said:
"What was, was never"
Then they saw the river
Burn, and the sun bled
Then they saw the river
Burn, and the sun bled
A norn
She came too
Down from the roots
And the tree of life
"everything will die and decay
Silence will once again prevail"
Then they heard the song choking
And the children dying
Seventy and thousand feet below
A pulse is beating more
Evenly and higher
Empty universes in every world
Up there, where dreams die
Mardraum (Nightmare)
Faal i flammar
Fanga under is
Mara rir evig
[ Traduction anglaise ]
Fall in flames
Trapped under ice
Ridden by nightmares forever
Det Endelege Riket (The Ending Empire)
Det endelege bl?
Fremand og l?fterikt
I det urgamle raude
Sviv det som ein gong
Kvitt var svart
I sirklar g?r rika
Fr? anna til eit g?r me
I eigne auger uendelege
Utan auger
Lydlaust ingenting
Fr? stjerna flyttas
Fjella; og t?pa ser
Berre stein
I sirklar g?r rika
Fr? anna til eit g?r me
Klagesongen ingen
Orka h?yre
Fyller det tenkande
Rom; tvihald om
Lenker som ikke finst
-Kvifor ikkje leva
Utan dei?
I sirklar g?r rika
Fr? anna til eit g?r me
Det endelege bl?
Ikring ei n?delaus mor
Som skal
Kjaerteikne oss
Med endedagars
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The ending blue
Obscure and promising
In ancient red it orbits
That which once
white was black
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
Deceived to see eternity
If blinded
Silent nothingness
The mountains are moved
From the stars
And the fool
Sees nothing but stones
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
Moaning no one could
Stand listening to
Fills the inner worlds
Clutching the chains
That does not exist
Why not live
Without them?
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
The ending blue
Around a merciless mother
Who will caress us
With the burning skies
Of the last days
Ormgard Ii - Kvalt I Kysk H?gsong (The Hive II - Strangled By Purity)
Buskapen ?t hyrden
Og svalt smilande i hjel
Beitet fann dei ikkje
Du elsa din neste,
Og ?t di eiga mor
Tapar i eigen strid
Herre i eigne lenker
Du ser mot sola og frys i hjel
Hakka til blods i gyldne bur
Kvalt i kysk h?gsong
Du kyssar handa som drap
Din eigen bror
Vaer du sikker,
Eg snur aldri ryggen mot deg
Vaer du sikker,
Eg skal alltid h?na deg
Tenk n?ye etter
Kva du har skapt
D? du ligg der og d?yr
H?yr, der ute kor
Latteren v?r ljomar
Tenk etter kva
Som ventar deg,
Du eledige d?re!
Me lo d? Ormgard brann
[ Traduction anglaise ]
The herd ate it's shepherd
And starved to death, smiling
They didn't reach the meadows
You loved your neighbour
And ate your own mother
Losing your own war
Slave in your own chains
You look to the sun
And freeze to death
Torn apart in golden cages
Strangled by purity
Kissing the hand that killed your own brother
Be sure of this
I'll never turn my back to you
Be sure of this
I'll always mock you
Consider what you've created
When you're waiting for death
Listen, out there
Where our laugher is resounding
Think of what's waiting for you
You miserable fool!
We laughed as the hive burned
Krigaren Eg Ikkje Kjende (Warrior Unknown)
Eg for ut i strid
D? dei framande kom
Eg sloss for min heim og min buskap
Eg kjempa dei ned
Med mitt spjut og min boge
S? dei heime kunne eta og sova
Eg drakk og eg skr?la
Eg lo og eg skr?yt
Av mine sigrar, mitt mot og min styrke
Eg fortalde om gullet eg fann
Hj? dei eg slakta ned for fote
Eg vakna br?tt
Ein kald og m?rk morgon
Med buskapen daud og trellane r?mde
All mj?den var drukken og venene reist
D? la eg i veg til lovande land
For atter ? vende heim med aere
Alle som sto i vegen for meg
Skulle kjenne min styrke og vreide
Ved ein flod sto ein gammal og st?l mann
Han vokta ein b?t som eg trong
Eg skulle hogge han ned
Men sverdet brast og
Den gamle sto der og flirte
?Fattige t?pe, som aldri har skj?na
At ein krigar skal kjempe mot krigar
Aldri du vinn visst du berre ser fram
Og ikkje inn?
Med eit var den gamle vekk
Og vinden tok med seg b?ten
Ved bredda sto eg og skua
Men n?dde ikkje den andre sida
D? starta kampen mot krigaren
Eg alltid trudde eg kjente
[ Traduction anglaise ]
I went into battle
When the strangers came
I fought for my home and my herd
I struck them down
With my spear and bow
So that those at home could sleep and eat
I drank and yelled
I laughed and bragged
Of my victories, my courage and my strength
I told of the gold I found
At those I had slain before me
Suddenly I awoke
A cold and dark morning
With a dead herd and slaves escaped
All mead and all my friends were gone
That was when I went away to promising land
For once again to return with honour
Everyone that crossed my path
Was to feel my strength and wrath
By a flood stood an old and tired man
He guarded a boat which I needed
I charged to cut him down
But the sword broke
And the old one stood there grinning
"Poor fool, who never had seen
That a warrior shall fight against warrior
You'll never win if you're only looking ahead
And never inwards"
Suddenly the old one was gone
And the wind carried away the boat
By the shore I stood looking
But could not reach the other side
That's when the battle begun
Against the warrior I always thought I knew
Stjerneheimen (Starhome)
Eg helsar stova med h?gsinn
Der ho byr meg inn i flammar og sj?
I heile si prakt og galskap
?Trygg vert berre han som t?r
Heim- til ei stjerneverd av s?lv
Heim- ulv, mann og gard
Kenaz- bak panna brenn lyset me eig
Raidho- p? tankar over sol og regn
Ansuz- i far v?r sitt h?gsete
Eg ler mot det heilage hjulet
-Ho vil gje oss svara og lyset;
Vidare sveipas dei med
Atter nytt m?rke
....Vis vert berre han som sp?r
Heim-med stjerner av s?lv
Heim-ulv , mann og ard
(?Eg er - er eg?)
Krigar- be aldri om fred
Husbond- length alltid heim
Her vil me samlas
...Om runa spinn
[ Traduction anglaise ]
I hail the living room with pride
Greeting me with flames and sea
...only he who dares is safe
Home - to a starworld of silver
Home - wolf, man and house
Kenaz - behind the eyes burn the
Light which we own
Raidho - on thoughts above
The sun and rain
Anzus - at the throne of our father
I laugh towards the holy wheel
She will provide us with answers
And the light
Then again we are swept in
Another darkness
...only he who asks becomes wise
Home - with stars of silver
Home - wolf, man and house
("I am, I am")
Warrior, never ask for peace
Husband, always long for home
Here we will be gathered
...if the run is spinning
Fr?yas Smykke (Freya's Necklace)
[ paroles ]
Korn [ paroles ]
The Serenity Of Suffering
Metallica [ paroles ]
Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
Gojira [ paroles ]
Motorhead [ paroles ]
Bad Magic
Behemoth [ paroles ]
The Satanist
Paradise Lost [ paroles ]
The Plague Within
Korn [ paroles ]
The Serenity Of Suffering
Metallica [ paroles ]
Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
Gojira [ paroles ]
Motorhead [ paroles ]
Bad Magic
Behemoth [ paroles ]
The Satanist
Paradise Lost [ paroles ]
The Plague Within